RDC News: July 2023
Saturday hours and holiday closures for July, researcher congrats and kudos, and a new data set profile.
Jun 29, 2023
Holiday Closures
This month we will have the following changes to our usual operating hours:
- Closed all day for Canada Day - Monday July 3rd
Saturday Hours - On Demand
We will be offering on-demand Saturday hours this month. We will be open on an 'appointment' basis, only if requested. Please sign up via the online booking system as usual.
Offered dates for Saturday hours this month are:
- Saturday, July 22nd - 12pm to 4pm
Congrats & Kudos
Congratulations to Yihong Bai for his recent PhD defence on June 13th, under the supervision of Mike Veall! His thesis is titled "Essays on Health Economics, Health Behaviours, and Labour Outcomes", using the NPHS and CCHS datasets.
New data sets at the RDC:
Survey Series on People and their Communities (SSPC)
The SSPC is a survey series of four social surveys in 2022 and 2023. This project falls under the umbrella of the Disaggregated Data Action Plan (DDAP). The DDAP will produce detailed statistical information to highlight the lived experiences of specific population groups, such as women, Indigenous peoples, racialized groups and people living with disabilities. It will also shed light on intersections such as those between racialized identity and sexual orientation, or between age and gender. Questionnaire content will cover a variety of social topics. Using the 2021 Census survey frame, the sample for the SSPC includes an oversampling of immigrants, and Canadians self-declaring as being part of racialized groups. By doing this, differences and commonalities in the experiences of racialized groups and immigrants will be revealed. The SSPC was specifically designed to provide estimates within individual racialized groups and immigration status categories.
The survey series currently includes questionnaires on: 1) Community Engagement, and 2) Sport, Workplace Culture, Political Engagement and Shared Values.
If you would like more information about this data set, please see https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=5378.
If you would like more information on how to submit a proposal for access to this data see https://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/microdata/data-centres/access. For more information about the RDC program please contact your local RDC analyst.